Labels:audio cd | bed | blind | cd rom | chair | clock | crt screen | disk | field | monitor | person | plaything | screen | sky | television receiver | traffic light | tree | windowpane OCR: home ymM YOUR YOUR COROM step quide The step-by to computer confidence US 5401 13017 95 and above only SAMPL EWARE Windows Publisher If you Window has the standarc Autorur Envision and it feature will simply automatically place start CO ROM n the drive Design and create This disc has been checked thoroughly viruses wide array The Publisher however fiers nc varrantie business and sample or indemnities connectico with the proprietar personal documents suitware cortained on this disc You software limited evaluation varsion You will need to register eithe to TEMPL ATES Keep All rand Features or to centinue names and pradiuc using name usad i track of your is blicatinCD ROMare trate renistered names savings accounts sarvice marks ademarks cr traremarks oftheir respective owners Become your own ...